from Ellyse J
27 July, 2021
My name is Ellyse. I have two children. Charlie Ocean, 16 months, and Cicely Dream 5 months. I live in Hertfordshire.
During pregnancy, I am classed as high risk due to being Type 1 Diabetes. I was pregnant TWICE during the pandemic although the first time the rules and restrictions were more relaxed. It was awful going to hospital appointments alone and only having my partner with me for an hour after an emergency C Section with our daughter, Cicely.
My biggest concern was that our daughter would fall ill with Covid like our son did.
I have found the parents on Instagram a great support during pregnancy and parenthood. It’s like a little community. I’ve met some good friends on there.
It’s extremely important in my case to keep a close eye on baby’s movements as high or low sugar levels can have a negative affect on the baby. With the Aska maternity bracelet I was able to keep a note of how often my baby was moving and if there were any concerns I could pop to the hospital !
I love my Aska maternity bracelet. I haven’t heard of anything like it and I think the concept is brilliant and will give a lot of expectant mother’s peace of mind.